UVms UVms Author
Title: Sri Kurmam (Tortoise) Temple in Srikakulam
Author: UVms
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Sri  kurmam :   It is just  15 KM away from the town Srikakulam via Arasavilli and is famous for Sri kurmanada (tortoise) templ...

Sri  kurmam : 

 It is just  15 KM away from the town Srikakulam via Arasavilli and is famous for Sri kurmanada (tortoise) temple, which is the incarnation of god Sri  Mahavishnu. This is the only temple in India of its kind. One can see wonderful wealth of art carvings on the stones and some inscriptions of olden times. There are carved inscriptions, which belong to 11 to 19th centuries. It has a peculiarity that the temple has two poles, which are nowhere that one can observe.

Sri kurman Temple (Tortoise ) in Srikakulam

Srikurmam  Temple iin Srikakulam

Sri kurmam Temple (tortoise) in Srikakulam A.P

Srikurmam (tortoise) in Srikakulam

Srikurmam (tortoise) in SrikakulamSrikurmam Temple (Vishnu) in Srikakulam

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